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Forced Labour and Human Trafficking Policy

Modern slavery is an overarching term used to describe its various forms.

  • Human trafficking - A process of bringing a person into a situation of exploitation through a series of actions, including deceptive recruitment and coercion.
  • Forced and compulsory labour - Any work or services which people are not doing voluntarily and which is exacted under a threat of some form of punishment.
  • Bonded labour - Labour as a means of repayment of a debt or a loan.
  • Slavery - A situation where a person exercises (perceived) power of ownership over another person.

Modern slavery lies at the extreme edge of a continuum in which respect for workers’ rights and their ability to claim their rights lie at the opposite end. It is found at many workplaces – on farms, in factories, private homes and in ancillary services.

In The Style does not tolerate any, forced labour, human trafficking, bonded labour or slavery – including prison labour, or any use of force or other forms of coercion, fraud, deception, abuse of power or other means to achieve control over another person for the purpose of exploitation.


The ILO has identified eleven potential indicators of circumstances in which forced labour is found, these are;

  • Abuse of vulnerability
  • Deception
  • Restriction of movement
  • Isolation
  • Physical and sexual violence
  • Intimidation and threats
  • Retention of identity documents
  • Withholding of wages
  • Debt bondage
  • Abusive working and living conditions
  • Excessive overtime

More information on the ILO indicators can be found below 

Read more

Expectations of Suppliers

  • Fully map supply base, identify where there are situations of the ILO indicators and alert In The Style where these are found to allow a collaborative investigation.
  • Implement zero tolerance on workers paying to gain employment – educate supply base and associated labour providers with this requirement.  Where these cases are uncovered, seek to remediate where possible rather than disengage
  • Ensure workers at all suppliers and service providers sites are appraised of their rights, and provided with independent access to remedy.  This must be in languages the workers understand and offered without fear of reprisal.
  • Ensure workers are always paid in full and on time.
  • Conduct due diligence on any labour providers within the supply chain.  Identify where and how workers are recruited.
  • Supplier and factories to have a clearly documented recruitment process; communication of terms to workers is done in a language they can understand, records are kept of job offer letter, worker addresses, verification of payment methods (that where bank details are provided, they belong to individual workers and worker introductions. 

Response to Indicators

If and where indicators of modern slavery and forced or bonded labour are found, this must not be concealed by suppliers.  Suppliers are expected to report the issues noted, at the earliest possible stage, to In The Style who will support in investigation and any necessary remediation which will include as a minimum:

  • Identifying who has engaged the worker(s) and how this was done
  • Research what local NGOs, community organisations may be able to support and aid with the investigation.
  • Seek to learn the needs and wishes of the worker(s) involved.
  • Work to protect the worker(s) from any further harm such as prosecutions, deportation or retaliation
  • Identify underlying cause and assess suppliers’ and InTheStyle’s own business practices for any potential impact.
  • Support worker(s) affected as far as possible in securing alternative jobs or income.

If instances have been found to be concealed, or the required remedial action is not undertaken In The Style will review the severity alongside the future of the trading relationship.